week 3


Nature Play was a huge success with students engaging in problem solving, exploring and observing. A group of students from our class built a shelter which they added to each day.

This week we started our inquiry with a focus on Jeannie Baker’s books. Thank you to everyone who has organised a photo of  a grandparent as a child and now.

3d stories

Our science lab is now up and running ready for playful learning next week. Thank you for the prompt response to our mortar and pestle request.



This week in maths we have been practising skip counting by 2s,5s & 10s. We counted all the pairs of shoes in Room 14 by 2’s and all our hands by 5’s. Next week we will use a number line to skip count.

Your child has written their spelling words in their diary. The children are tested on these words once a fortnight.
