week 5 & 6


Please remember to put Friday 23rd June in your diary because we are hosting assembly and have some fabulous plays to show you. Room 14 featured in last week’s school newsletter on the front page with nature play and in the library news. Our magnificent collage books will stay in the class until after Special Person’s Day.  A copy of our collage books are on display at the Mitcham Council.

 In maths we have been working hard at our measurement topic. The focus has been on measuring the distance between the start and end, not leaving any gaps, filling the space and not overlapping. The children are gaining an understanding as to why units for measuring need to be the same. Below is the vocabulary we are using for this topic.

Our Year 1 inquiry time takes place on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. These sessions include aspects of each curriculum area including history, geography, maths, english, science, health and the arts. Each child has a passport with pictures that reflect the place they have visited.

Jeannie Baker’s books have sparked interest in learning about how our community environment changes each season, the past compared to now and what animals are covered with eg feather, fur, scales. The children are making 3d stories, attempting various collage techniques, exploring local maps and locating places that are special to them. Children have also been exploring the idea of natural, managed and constructed spaces. I’ll post some photos to give you an idea.












Please check your child’s diary for their spelling words to practise. Also, 2 notes have come home about Special Person’s Day on Wednesday 28th June. There is currently a display of the t-shirt colour choice in the Doolette building.

I will be absent this Friday 6thand Wednesday 1th June due to report writing. Have a fabulous long weekend.  

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