week 4

This week we have continued to make more complex patterns.

Our expert learner quality we practised this week was ‘Communicators. Children practised their skills with a partner by being the speaker for 1 minute and then the listener for 1 minute.

Mr Pluck has requested that the children bring a 3d object from home to draw for Tuesday’s Art lesson.

Each week I give out a hand writing award which is proudly displayed in the classroom. Ask your child to show you.

‘Ch’ has been our sound focus for the week. We have also been developing our understanding of sentences. Particular attention has been given to capital letters at the beginning, a full stop at the end and finger spaces between words.

We have dictation on a Friday which tests children specifically on the sounds we focused on during that week. Below is an example of this week’s dictation.


Week 3

This week we practiced the ‘sh’ sound in words and re-visited capital letters. We explored the reading strategy ‘eagle eyes’ and started our read to self boxes. Parent reading has now started so feel free to stay in mornings and help out.

It was great meeting everyone at Acquaintance night. The children were very proud to share their family photos the next day.

In maths we have been using the language of pattern, making patterns to match questions and applying counting to patterns. We have started mental routines at the beginning of lessons to develop confidence and mathematical thinking. 

In science we are observing changes in food. This week we looked at the differences in an ice block when it is frozen and melted.

The children have brought home a note about our school picnic on Friday the 17th March. This is a lovely family evening to be a part of.

Enjoy the weekend

week 2

We have had a productive week getting our books ready, making new friends and building a positive learning environment. Today the children are bringing home their readers. Below is a photo showing how to fill in the reading diary. The laminated book mark is for referring to if you need to give you or your child a prompt for decoding. We will becoming familiar with these decoding strategies through out the year. Sight words will be coming home on Monday.

Thank you to families who have returned the digital learning agreement form. Below are more notes that have hopefully made it home this week.

Children have a ‘read to self’ box in the classroom. This consists of readers, a library book and a book from home. Children can bring a fiction or non fiction book from home to put in their box.

We would love your empty boxes, bottle tops, etc for our making boxes. Also, if anyone would like to make us some play doh we would really appreciate it.

The children worked with a new friend to draw and paint a portrait of them. They are displayed in the corridor.

The children did some role playing of making strong and weak choices.

Overall we’ve had a good week (bit hot) and everyone is settling into the morning routine of Playful Learning.

practicing writing letters

creative ideas

water colour painting